Frequently asked questions

What is pooling?

Pooling is a collective use of specially marked high quality returnable transport items, where crates & pallets are returned to the pool only after careful re-sorting, cleaning and repair at the end of a single turnover cycle. Thus, a constant flow of pooling crates, fully compliant with international quality standards is ensured.

Due to cost benefits and a need to focus on core business, pallet pooling becomes more and more common worldwide.

Pooling operations are run by a professional pooling company that provides a full administration of this service; meanwhile all the participants receive significant benefits from a pooling system.

Pooling allows significant improving of Supply Chain management relating to crates, pallets and containers management.

How have food supply chains changed and what are the trends?

Ten years ago, all food industries had their own transport packaging, or sauce, or used transport packaging once.

Purchasing your own plastic packaging is very expensive. In addition to the usual quantity, you also need to purchase a seasonal stock (which can be up to 50% of the normal need!) To deliver the products on Midsummer’s Day and Christmas. The rest of the time the stock is standing, which is a big waste of resource. In addition, investment needs to be made in washing equipment and packaging monitoring.

Packaging is an issue that will lead to many additional changes in production processes and logistics. However, if there is no packaging, it will not be sold and it is a much bigger problem.

Manufacturers have realized the need to have sufficient stocks.

The issue of hygiene is also crucial.

In order to remain competitive, it is important to meet the preferences of retail chains and optimize logistics costs.
